Monday, November 16, 2009

Being obedient is often scary!

So today, after many weeks of holding onto this paper, I sent in our "application" to Catholic Social Services for our homestudy. Weird, I want these kids home but why haven't I sent in these simple things? I guess like most of us, I'm just a private person and feel uneasy about paying someone to come into my life and evaluate my propensity toward parenting...but, the invitation for the homestudy party has been sent. Bring it on...I sound so brave because I know they're booked up until after Christmas at least!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Coffee anyone?


We have our coffee fundraiser up and going. Please check it out at

It's snowy and beautiful here in Montana. Looking forward to sharing winter fun with our little hands next winter!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wow. Cool to post from phone!

Bringing Little Hands Home

Ok, this should be the second blog entry but since I don't know what I'm doing yet, my first blog was really good too! =)

So, the short and sweet version. I've been dreaming of little hands again. All the time! I see games, clothes, bugs, pups, birds and I want to share them all with little hands! So, we are adopting! Adoption has been on my heart as long as I can remember and after a lot of prayer and time, it's also on Joe's heart. We know God has a sibling group of 2 or 3 kids ready to come home to Montana as soon as we get our paperwork and fundraising complete. Joe and I are super excited to parent together and don't really know how the adventure will work out but are trusting God has some fun and character building experiences planned for us. Yes, 2 or 3 sets of little hands in our home soon!!

So, where are we at? When will the little hands be here? We sent our initial fee to CWA on Sept 28 and have started our Homestudy paperwork. Our next job is praying, saving and fundraising. By Christmas we need $2000ish to pay for the Homestudy and $2500ish for CWA services which include required parent training and case worker support. Once our Homestudy is complete, we'll receive a referral and pictures of our kids.

I've done some brainstorming and research and have decided to hold a dinner/giftbasket silent auction, host a Fill the Piggies event, make/sell jewelry, sell coffee and puzzle pieces. We'll do a garage sale and other events in the spring also. The estimated total we'll need to bring our little hands home is $25000 plus travel to and from Ethiopia.

How can you help? PRAY!!! Pray and pray some more. If you feel you'd like to assist with fundraising, let me know, I need volunteers and support to pull it all together. Read our blog, ask us how it's going and pray our little hands will be home soon.

Love and blessings to you.